Thursday 30 November 2006

baked potato

baked potatos
Originally uploaded by aevwang.
5 large potato, thinly sliced
2 red onion, thinly sliced
3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
300g double cream
grated cheese
salt & pepper to season
1 tsp butter

Grease the dish base with butter, layer the dish with potato, red onion, garlic and cheese. Finish with a layer of cheese, pour cream over the top.
Oven bake for an hour.

Sunday 5 November 2006

potato layer veggie pie

potato layer veggie pie
Originally uploaded by aevwang.
300 gram of potatos, sliced
1 cup of chopped carrot
1 cupt of chopped turnip
1 onion
1 shallot
1 brocoli
grated cheddar cheese

Chopped carrot, brocoli and turnip and cook in boiled water until tender.
On medium heat, fry onion and shallot, layer sliced potatos to line the bottom of the pan, add a layer of the cooked vegetable on top, then finish with another layer of potatos, leave for a few minutes
Sprinkle a thick layer of grated cheese on top, place the pan under oven and bake for a further 5 minutes

Tuesday 24 October 2006

火腿蛋炒飯 fried rice

Originally uploaded by aevwang.
1 cup of rice
few baby corn, sliced in the middle
1 sprint onion
1 egg, beaten
3-5 hot dog

Grease the pan with some oil, fry spring onion with hot dog for a few minutes, then add baby corn, continue on medium heat for a further 2 minutes, set aside.
Scramble the egg in the same pan, when cooked, add rice, mix it well, then add the rest. Sprinkle with spring onion to serve.

Monday 2 October 2006

bean steam fish

Originally uploaded by aevwang.
1 whole fish
1 sliced spring onion
some finely sliced ginger
some miso or bean paste, dilute in water

Grease the pan with some oil, fry ginger and spring onion, put the fish in the pan on medium heat on both sides.
Pour bean mixture over the fish, put the lead on and reduce heat, steam for about 3 minutes.
Serve the fish on a plate, and pour the sauce over on top.

Friday 22 September 2006

Potato curry

Potato curry
Originally uploaded by aevwang.
400 gram potatos
1 cauliflower, cut into small pieces
70g frozen peas
1 tsp tumeric
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp curry powder
2 tsp ground ginger
Fresh coriander
1 onion, chopped
3 garlic cloves, chopped
5 tomatos, skinned and quartered
200ml vegetable stock

Fry potato with onion and garlic until browned. Add tumeric, cumin, ginger, curry powder and stir until dissolved. Then add cauliflower and peas, and pour vegetable stock and simmer for 30 mins.
Garnish with fresh coriander

Thursday 21 September 2006

katsu (pork)

Originally uploaded by aevwang.
2 pork escalope
2 eggs, beaten

Flatten the pork escalope. Season both sides with salt and coat with flour, then dip in the egg mixture. Finally coat with breadcrumbs and fry both sides for a few minutes. Drained the excess oil on kitchen towel before serving.

Sunday 3 September 2006


Originally uploaded by aevwang.
Top pastry:
40g sugar
1 tsp salt
40g butter
1 egg
100g pastry flour
Mix all together and leave it aside

140g Milk
1 egg
30g sugar
2 tsp salt
1 sachet of yeast
40g butter
200g bread flour
100g pastry flour
Mix all and set it aside for 30 mins, mix again with hands and set aside for a further 20mins
Separate the dough into 6-7 parts evenly, flatten the top pastry and smooth over the dough. Oven bake for 15 mins.

Saturday 2 September 2006

mince pork and egg-plant 茄子堡

pork egg-plant
Originally uploaded by aevwang.
1 egg plant, sliced
300g minced pork
1 onion
1 spring onion
slices of ginger
salt, pepper, soy souce

fry onion and ginger in peanut oil, add mince pork and the mushroom and cook until softened.
Add egg plant and the soy souce, simmer for 3 mins,
serve with freshly chopped spring onion and boiled rice

Thursday 17 August 2006


Originally uploaded by aevwang.
Taiwanese style pancake

500g flour
250g warm water
3 spring onions, chopped
peanut oil

Mix flour with water until both are well mixed
leave the dough in a tin/container and set aside, cover with wet clothes (to prevent dryness) for 20 mins
Divide the dough and roll it flat, sprinkle spring onions and oil, mix it into the dough, rol flat again, and fry in a greased pan, 1.5 minute on either side

Wednesday 16 August 2006

prawn with beans

prawn with beans
Originally uploaded by aevwang.
half an onion
200g prawns
1 cup of peas
2 pieces of sliced pork
1 tsp oil

swirl oil in the pan, stir fry onion until browned
add pork, fry for 1 minute then set it aside
add prawns, fry for a further minute
add peas, season with salt and pepper
add pork back in the pan, stir all ingredients together

Tuesday 15 August 2006

water spinach and bbq beef

Taiwanese dish: 空心菜炒沙茶牛肉

Water spinach
200g beef, sliced and marinate in soy souce
2 cloves of garlic
1 tsp walnut oil

Grease frying pan with walnut oil, fry beef on medium heat until browned, set aside. Add the garlic and fry for one minute, then add the waterspinach and cook until softened. Mix with beef.

Monday 14 August 2006

cold soba

Cook soba noodle and soak in cold/ice water
Chop cucumber/fried egg into thin slice
Serve with pieces of seaweed and spring onion